History of Scott County, Iowa 1882 Chicago: Interstate Publishing Co.John B. Aberle, owner of the bakery at No. 1404 West Third street, was born in Wittonberg, Germany, Jan. 24, 1845, and was a son of Andrew and Magdalena (Sinz) Aberle, natives of Wittenberg. John attended school until he was 14 years old, then learned the baker's trade, and in 1868 came to the United States. He landed in New York, and from there came to Davenport, where he worked at his trade until 1872, when he established a bakery of his own. He was married to Margaret Richard, April 7, 1872. She was born in Columbia, Ill. To them have been born four children - Anna, Emma, Dorathy, and Josephine. Hits: 2011