ABRAHAM, Henry W., M.D.
History of Outagamie County, Wisconsin. Pub. 1911, page 614ABRAHAM, Henry W., M.D.
president of the Fox River Valley Medical Society, and one of the leading members of the Outagamie county medical profession, is engaged in a general practice in Appleton with office at No. 572 Oneida street. Dr. Abraham is a native of Germany, born August 1, 1866, a son of William and Hannah Abraham, who came from the Fatherland in 1870 and settled in Wausau, Wisconsin. William Abraham, who has been a soldier in the Germany army, was a brickmaker by trade and had a plant in Wausau, where he died in 1891, his widow surviving until 1898. They had a family of six daughters and three sons, of whom one is deceased. Henry W. Abraham attended the public schools of Wausau, and in 1891 graduated from Lawrence College. After one year spent in Vienna he began to read medicine and then entered Rush Medical College, from which he was graduated in 1898. He immediately came to Appleton, where he engaged in a general practice, and here he has continued to the present time. He is a member of the Wisconsin State Board of Medical Examiners and holds membership in the County, State and National medical organizations, is president of the Fox River Valley Medical Society, is connected with the Theta Phi college fraternity, and is also a member of the Masons. Dr. Abraham is possessed of a kind, sympathetic nature, and the natural taste for the various branches of the medical profession that makes the ideal physician. He has built up a large and lucrative practice among the leading residents of Appleton, and has a host of friends both in and out of his profession. Dr. Abraham in politics is an independent voter, recognizing no party lines. He and Mrs. Abraham are members of the Congregational Church.
In 1899 Dr. Abraham was united in marriage with Nellie Bassett, of Berlin, Wisconsin, a graduate of Lawrence College, and to this union there has been born one daughter, Margaret, aged eight years. Hits: 2381