WENDT, Henry 1834-

Last Updated: Tuesday, 26 August 2008 Written by W. David Samuelsen Print Email
An Illustrated History of Baker, Grant, Malheur and Harney Counties, pub. 1902 by Western Historical Pub. Co.
of Chicago. page 371

Henry Wendt

In March 1834, in Germany, our subject was born, and the years of his minority were spent in the "Fatherland" where he was well trained in those ways of thrift and enterprise that so characterize his countrymen. At the age of twenty-one years he came to the United States and began the life of the agriculturist on the fertile prairies of Illinois, but later the siren of nature's hidden treasures lured him to the frontier and he took up the life of the miner in California, and in 1862 came to Baker county, continuing this occupation in Auburn and then at Clarke's creek until 1871, at which time he settled at Bridgeport and began raising stock. In that place and occupation he was always faithfully pursuing the course of the estimable and industrious citizen until he was called, on May 10, 1898, to lay down the burdens of this life and depart to the realms of another world. He was universally beloved and esteemed and it was with sincere grief that his loved ones and his wife circle of friends and neighbors consigned to their last resting place the remains of the noble pioneer, stanch business man and faithful father and husband.

The marriage of Mr. Wendt occured in Freeport, Illinois, in 1869, Miss Amelia Brinkman, also a native of Germany, at that time becoming his wife. To them were born the following children: Amelia, deceased; Pauline, now Mrs. N. N> Elliott; Minnie, deceased; Charles, born December 29, 1875; Henry, born June 27, 1878, and married October 23, 1901, to Miss Addie Elliott, a daughter of Daniel and Josie Elliott, and a native of Baker county; William, born December 24, 1881. Mrs. Wendt is still living with her sons on the old place, where they are going on with the stock business that was so well started by their father. The farm is well improved and annually produces many tons of fine hay. An elegant residence, besides other buildings, adds attraction, value and comfort to the place, while their holdings in live stock are large. Five hundred head of fine Durham and Hereford cattle and a large drove of horses, besides small stock, are a part of their quota. The three sons mentioned above are operating the place in partnership and they are considered the finest and most skillful stockmen in their section. Hits: 2509